Thai Herbal Ball Massage Therapy 泰式草药球按摩

A Thai herbal ball massage melts the stress from your body while taking you on a sensory journey of beautiful, relaxing smells. It blend these traditional Thai practices with massage therapy and aromatherapy.

Thai herbal ball massages can help alleviate pain and inflammation. Say goodbye to sore muscles and knots with this incredibly relaxing and therapeutic massage. Other benefits of Thai herbal ball massages are improved circulation, increased immune function, and stress reduction.

Benefit of Thai Herbal Ball Massage Therapy泰式草药球按摩的功效:
  1. Fights headaches and purifies the skin 有散寒祛濕消除头疼、幫助血液循環的作用
  2. Smooth redness, acne, and skin damage 有效祛寒活血,提高身體免疫力、更有美膚和紓緩痛症的作用
  3. Improve sleep quality, relaxation & stress reduction 有效促进睡眠品质、安定情绪及舒缓压力

Make Appointment

We would be more than happy to solve your problem and question, please arrange your appointment with us.